Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Turning a new leaf,

Hello everyone,

Ahh it's been awhile and I know I deleted my olds blogs for my own personal reasons. It's been literally months since I've blogged. Life lately has been going up and down..mostly down. There was moments where I turned to my left and none of my friends or family was there and I turned to the left my girlfriend wasn't there. I've got to admit that it sucked big time to go through that. I was super depressed and no one even knew, but I thank those who weren't there for me cause that just made me stronger as an individual person.

I am more than proud to say that I am and my life is finally turning a new leaf...a new page in my life. I understand that I have to let go of the past to see the future that I have to work on today.

When absolutely no one was there for me guess who was? Of course my USANA family. No wonder I love USANA so much and I know from the day I signed up and until I die I will always be proud of being in USANA and being part of Team [NE]2 especially Team Legendz.

Just quick updates on what's going on with my life. Family wise it's been great lately not too much conflict going on around us. Financial wise, it's doing good bit could be a lot better! Relationship wise, well, ehh, I guess were okay..could be a lot lot better. We'll see how things turn out in about a month or so. School wise, I think I'll be taking few online classes on spring semester or that depends on how motivated I am. Social wise? Well doing a lot better now, but seems like I'm losing one close friend after another..oh well, it's life people cone and go, only the important ones stick around. 

If I had a wish for christmas it would be I wish that people had more time for me. I guess time now a days are hard to come by, especially for people who are going to school or have a job, must sucks butt. Thank god I will not ever hve to go through that and if I ever get a job it's just to satisfy my parents & not so much about the money.

ULTIMATE SUPER SATURDAY ON SATURDAY!!! Bout to be hella crazy & busy. I'll prolly take 2k pictures there and at the party I'm going after that, haha. 

Anyways I think this is long enough, an it's super late (3:37am) I need sleep. Goodnight!

Take care y'all,