Sunday, October 11, 2009

The power of two,

It started in English two
When love struck me & you,
Room 510 is the location
Where you & I made observation,
Anxiously waiting for English two
For my day isn't complete without you,
Left side, 3rd row & 4 seats away from the window
Sight of you makes me feel jello,
Fifty four minutes just admiring you
Homework & classwork are over due,
Period two is over
But we have the next class together,
7 minutes without you
Is like splitting my heart in two,
Room 124 is the location
Where I realized our complication,
I was available, but you were taken
I stumble for my love was mistaken,
Two years later, I stand before you
Happy together but begging for an hour or two.

-Adrian de Jesus